Can I Let Beef Soak in Vinegar Overnight

Pickling has been a food preservation technique for centuries. Information technology is the process of preserving fresh foods in a vinegar solution to brand them terminal longer and take on a briny flavor.

While we know pickling works for saving our excess produce, what would happen if meat were to be soaked overnight in vinegar?

The process of soaking meat in a briny solution overnight is typically referred to as brining or marinating. Often, the marinade is made from vinegar or acid, oil, and lots of seasonings.

We all know this brings flavor to your meat, but what does a 100% vinegar solution do to meat overnight? First, we demand to dive into the science backside vinegar and why information technology is used for curing, preservation, and tenderizing.

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Why Use Vinegar?

Vinegar is made of mostly acetic acrid, which is an acid that acts as a self-preservative due to natural fermentation between the acrid and sugars or ethanol. Information technology inhibits bacteria growth, making it platonic for pickling and preserving. Foods preserved in vinegar can last for years without spoiling.

The acetic acid in vinegar increases the acerbity of whatsoever is submerged in it, killing off whatever microorganisms. This creates the preserving issue. Without microorganisms, leaner cannot multiply in an acidic surroundings.

Vinegar likewise helps to weaken collagen in meat, assuasive those connective tissues to tenderize. Past the fourth dimension you are prepare to cook the meat, the vinegar volition take done its job. The ideal result is a shredded texture that melts in your oral cavity with a slightly acidic flavour.

Popular cured meats are oft cured with vinegar. For example, chorizo is cured with vinegar before cooking. It provides a lastability that cured meats require. Vinegar also gives chorizo its unique acidic, umami flavor.

We all know how well vinegar works for preserving vegetables, and then I want to see exactly what happens when a piece of meat is soaked in vinegar overnight. Does it change the flavor? The texture? Does it inhibit the growth of bacteria in the aforementioned way as vegetables?

Here is the experiment to find out the answers to these questions.

The Experiment

To find out exactly what vinegar does to meat, I had to choose an optimal cut of meat to alkali. Craven tends to take on flavors extremely well, however, the goal is to be able to eat the meat later on the soak. A heavier cut of meat is the way to go.

I settled on a delicious, locally-raised bone-in pork loin chop. This loftier-quality cutting of meat is perfect because it is heartier than chicken but non intensely flavored like a cutting of beef.

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I besides wanted to choose a smaller cut of meat since the soaking time is to be 12-24 hours long. If the vinegar can preserve and penetrate this smaller roast overnight, perhaps a larger cut may soak a little longer.

There are a ton of varieties of vinegar, all of which bring something different to the tabular array. For this experiment, I kept it simple with classic distilled white vinegar.
Folks following this recipe probable have a large bottle of distilled white vinegar laying around. With a neutral season and five-6% total acerbity, white vinegar is the way to become for your first fourth dimension.

Meat in Vinegar Recipe

Nosotros have our meat and our vinegar picked out, so at present it is time to combine them.

For this recipe, you will need:

  • 1-1,5 lbs. pork loin chop, bone-in
  • two-three cups of distilled white vinegar
  • i tablespoon oil, for frying
  • ane teaspoon salt
  • I teaspoon pepper
  • A glass or non-reactive baking dish/basin
  • Plastic wrap


Begin with your pork. Add it to a glass or non-reactive dish. I used a blistering dish since it was flat and fit the meat nicely.What Happens If You Soak Your Meat In Vinegar Overnight

Pour the vinegar over the meat until the meat is completely submerged. You volition need more or less, depending on the size of your meat.What Happens If You Soak Your Meat In Vinegar Overnight

Embrace with plastic wrap or a lid and place in the fridge overnight, 12-24 hours.What Happens If You Soak Your Meat In Vinegar Overnight

After 12-24 hours, your meat will have lost all of its original color. My pork was originally a beautiful pink color, but after soaking it became slightly greyness and tedious. Likewise, the meat seemed to accept changed textures.

It went from raw meat to jellied during its overnight soak, which was unexpected.

Afterwards the overnight soak, remove the meat from the vinegar. Pat dry out with paper towels to remove surface-level wet. Your pork will have a strong vinegary smell with no notes of raw meat.What Happens If You Soak Your Meat In Vinegar Overnight

Next, it's time to melt the meat. In a large bandage-iron skillet, add 1 tablespoon of oil and plough the heat to medium. Let the skillet to get hot earlier adding the pork.What Happens If You Soak Your Meat In Vinegar Overnight

Sear the pork and cook nearly 5-half-dozen minutes per side until well-washed. The meat will aroma intensely briny when cooking.What Happens If You Soak Your Meat In Vinegar Overnight

Remove from the oestrus when the internal temperature reaches 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Permit the meat to residue for about 5 minutes earlier slicing and serving.Cooking pork

Tasting the Results

Surprisingly, the flavor of the vinegar-soaked pork was fantastic. The meat was extremely tender and shredded apart as I ate information technology. Information technology was reminiscent of wiener schnitzel or sauerbraten because the meat was acidic and flavorful.

The jellied texture of the raw meat was a roadblock that I thought might derail the entire experiment. To my surprise, the meat exhibited no jellied consistency. In fact, the texture of the cooked meat was spectacular. This was 1 of the near tender pork loin chops that I have always cooked before!

In terms of vinegar preventing spoilage on the meat, the results are difficult to conclude. When uncovering the pork from the alkali for the commencement time, I gave information technology the olfactory property test.

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Bated from being extremely strong with vinegar, at that place was no smell of raw pork whatever. With eyes closed, you would non know that you were sniffing raw meat. While that does not mean too much for detecting spoilage, information technology is a start. A longer brine may yield different results in the time to come.

It is prophylactic to conclude that soaking your meat in vinegar overnight not only adds great flavor but as well adds wonderful texture and is a reliable way to forestall bacteria growth.

Unlike meats and different types of vinegar may bring on unlike flavors and results. The base flavors of pork and white vinegar work well together and are affordable, making this experiment not bad for anyone who would like to recreate it.

Meat in Vinegar

In this experiment, nosotros set out to find out what happens if you soak your meat in vinegar overnight. Information technology was plant that soaking pork in white vinegar for 12-24 hours flavored, tenderized, and prevented bacteria growth in the meat.

Your pork may develop a grayness color and jellied texture upon soaking but do non requite up in that location. Searing and cooking the meat yields a more than highly-seasoned color, ridding the meat of its greyishness.

If y'all are a fan of vinegar and briny dishes, you will be a fan of the meat's flavour and aroma. To preserve meat in the future, do non hesitate to utilize vinegar.
Soak your meat for up to 24 hours for optimal flavor and texture. The experiment was worth it and I plant it to be a useful technique for processing meats cheaply and effectively.

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